Hi everyone!
It has been some time now since I last posted on here. And frankly I was so surprised by all the views I've had over the past few months when I've been inactive. And here is why,
Two - three months ago I decided to go on an exchange year to the US, but I also got accepted into the communal summer job project in which I would be working as a freelance designer. These two major events in my life made me want to start a new chapter, and create a brand for myself. So my initial thoughts was that I wanted to vlog and blog about my trip to the US, but I didn't/don't feel to at home at this platform. I love all the features but it doesn't really seem to represent me as a person and my personality. I've also abandoned the name LolliesChan by numerous reasons on all platforms I could. So I decided to create a new blog on a new platform, with a new penname.
But yet I didn't really want to abandon this blog. I know that you can import your blog to nouw, but I don't really know how that works, if my new blog would become crowded or if the posts themselves would become messy. If anybody have done it before can you please leave a comment on how it worked? So I was thinking about just copy-pasting some of my best entries from time to time to fill out my other blog for now.